I’d like to request a township record.

Visit the Right to Know section of the website under Resident or Business for the policy, record request form, and fee schedule.

Zachary Jackson, Open Records Officer
600 Clearwater Road
Hershey, PA 17033
717-533-2057, option 5, or zrjackson@derrytownship.org

My garbage was not picked up today, or I need to arrange garbage collection services.
Call Waste Management of Central PA at 1-800-869-5566, to report problems related to trash collection or to arrange services. If a problem continues, call the Township of Derry Public Works Department or the Administration Department.

I want to reserve a pavilion at a Township Park.
Call the Township of Derry Parks & Recreation Department at 717-533-7138.

I’d like to build a garage. What do I need to know?
Call the Township of Derry Community Development Department at 717-533-2057, option 2, and request a Zoning Officer.

Where do I get a certificate of residency?
The Derry Township School District Office at 30 E. Granada Avenue.

There is a broken tree limb in the public right-of-way or on the road.
Report all problems related to the roadways to the Department of Public Works, at 717-533-2057, option 4; unless it is a state roadway.

Someone visits your home to sell you something.
Ask if they have a Solicitor’s Permit. If they do not, notify the Township of Derry Police Department at 717-534-2202.

There is a streetlight near my home that is out.
Contact PP&L at 1-800-342-5775, with the number on the pole and the location of the light or contact the township to report it.ย  If you do not have the pole number, provide the street and location of the pole.

I need a marriage license.
Marriage licenses can be obtained at the Dauphin County Courthouse.

I have a question on my tax bill.
For property tax bills call Dauphin County Treasurer Office at 717-780-6550.ย  For other tax bills call Keystone Collections Group at 866-539-1100.

I need a handicapped parking permit.
Requests for handicap parking are available at the Township of Derry Police Department.

I would like to run a business from my home.
Contact the Township of Derry Community Development Department at 717-533-2057, option 2, to receive the guidelines for home businesses.

There is a stray animal in my neighborhood.
Contact the Township of Derry Police Department at 717-534-2202.