Recycling Center
650 Clearwater Road
(717) 533-2057, Option 4
or (717) 533-8665
Recycling Center Hours
The Derry Township Recycling Center and Yard Waste Drop-off area hours will be effective (03/10/2025-11/02/2025):
- Monday & Wednesday – 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
- Friday – 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Saturday – 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday – Closed
* Residents may dispose of their Christmas tree(s) at the Township Recycling Center (during regular business hours) at no cost.
2025 Recycling Center Schedule
Friday, April 18 – Good Friday
Monday, May 26 – Memorial Day
Friday, July 4 – Independence Day
Monday, September 1 – Labor Day
Friday, November 28 – Thanksgiving Observance
Residents are still required to observe all social distancing requirements outlined
by the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
Recycling Program
The Township of Derry prioritizes reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and operates a Recycling Center at 650 Clearwater Road to collect items that are not collected curbside. The center’s hours are listed above. Please view the documents listed below for instructions on curbside recycling and the services provided by the Recycling Center.
Recycling Services and Curbside Trash Collection
- Recycling Instruction Brochure
- Recycling Guide
- Single-Stream Recycling (Items that are collected curbside)
- Recycling Center Services & Fees
- Yard Waste Disposal
- Leaf Collection Schedule
- 2025 WM Yard Waste Schedule
Waste Management of Central Pennsylvania provides a service(s) for the collecting of municipal solid waste and recyclables. Residents have two service options.
Effective April 1, 2025, Standard Service: $138.48 per quarter – Weekly curbside collection of trash. A 96-gallon container is provided – a weekly curbside collection of recyclables. A 65-gallon container is provided. One bulk item is collected weekly. Standard service includes a monthly collection of yard waste from April through October.
Pay as you Throw (PAYT): $6.94 per quarter – Bags may be purchased as needed for $9.50 per bag. Bags are available at the Recycling Center, Municipal Building, and Hershey Public Library. A 65-gallon container is provided for recycling.
Bulk items – Residents utilizing the Standard Service payment program may palace one bulk item per week with the regular trash and recycling containers on their scheduled pick-up day. Bulk items with fabric materials, such as sofa, box spring, or mattress, will need to be covered in plastic for pick-up. Prior to placing FREON items out for pick-up, such as refrigerator, dehumidifier, freezer, and air conditioner, you with must contact Waste Management directly at 1-800-869-5566.
Fall is the perfect time to compost your leaves. Compost is a mixture of decaying organic matter, such as grass, tree and shrub trimmings, and leaves. It creates rich, organic soil-like material called humus. Composting enables you to recycle your yard wastes, returning organic matter to the soil and providing nutrients for health plant growth.
Derry Township Recycle Line
The Derry Recycle Line provides residents and businesses with information about hours, accepted items, and the collection program. Call 717-533-8665 for details.
Holiday Trash Collection
RESIDENTS: Please be prepared that if the holiday falls on the regular collection day, your trash and recyclable(s) will be collected the following day. All collections that week will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week.
Please store trash and recycling totes in your garage, side, or backyard.