Hershey Community Center Business Plan to Be Presented

Municipal Building 600 Clearwater Road, Hershey, PA

The Department of Parks and Recreation has been working with Ballard King Associates to develop an operational analysis for the new Hershey Community Center. Theย business planย will be presented on Tuesday, September 25, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. at the Derry Township Municipal Complex, 600 Clearwater Road. All interested parties are invited to attend. Meeting Agenda

PA Grand Canyon & Wagon Ride Bus Trip

Harrisburg Mall 3501 Paxton Street (Wolf's bus sign, pole 32), Harrisburg, PA, United States

Enjoy the day at PA Grand Canyon where you will experience the panoramic view from above the PA Grand Canyon plus horse-drawn covered wagon ride into the gorge. The day will begin with a delicious brunch at the Penn Wells Restaurant and a short walking tour of downtown Wellsboro. We will make our way to […]