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Beginning April 01, 2022, Derry Township residents will see an increase in their monthly
fees for the collection of solid waste and recyclable materials from their homes. At their
regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, February 22, 2022, the Board of Supervisors reviewed
the singular bid received from Waste Management of Pennsylvania, Inc. and approved a new
deal valued at $10,879,512.00 for a three-year term with two one-year renewals – both at the sole
discretion of the Township.

For residents utilizing a 96-gallon curb cart, the current monthly cost is $20.01 per
month, and beginning April 01, 2022, that will increase to $37.95 per month or from $60.01 per
quarter to $113.85 per quarter. Beginning on April 01, 2023, the monthly cost will increase to
$40.33 per month, and beginning on April 01, 2024, the monthly cost will increase to $42.64 per
month. The Administrative Fee remains unchanged at $6.94 per quarter.

Supervisor Chairman, E. Christopher Abruzzo noted, “While we are disappointed by the
results of this bidding process, it is reflective of the issues within the larger economy both in
Pennsylvania and across the United States.” Waste Management Representative Tom Stang
explained, “…that costs contained in this bid are directly linked to increased fuel prices, labor
shortages and supply chain issues within our industry.” It was noted that other regional contracts
in Pennsylvania all increased over their previously fixed levels.

“The Township duly advertised bids in January and had three prospective bidders at the
mandatory pre-bid meeting in February, but only one submitted a bid package,” explained
Township Manager Christopher Christman.

Services provided under this new contract with Waste Management of Pennsylvania, Inc.
will be identical to services currently received. Waste Management of Pennsylvania, Inc. will
continue weekly curbside collection of waste and recyclable materials, yard waste collection
(April-October) and weekly pick-up of one bulk item.

“Pay As You Throw” customers will also see an increase in the cost of purchasing bags,
but the service curbside will remain unchanged from the previous contract. Currently, bags are
purchased through the Township at $4.50 per bag and, beginning April 01, 2022, that price will
increase to $9.50 per bag.

Christman explained, “…the Township always reserves the right to solicit bids beginning
in year three of the contract should market conditions improve, which could have a direct impact
on the bids received at that time. Conversely, if it is more advantageous to extend the contract for
two additional one-year terms, our pricing is fixed at year three and that benefits our residents in
the out years of the contract.”

A summary of pricing is as follows: