October 8, 2018
The following has happened since the last public meeting held in July:
- The Township’s Public Works department has installed red reflective tape on several stop signs on Ridge Road to increase awareness of the regulatory signs.
- The Township’s engineer, in coordination with the Derry Township Police Department, is evaluating traffic patterns on Ridge Road in response to resident’s concerns relating to cut-through traffic, speeding, and stop sign violations. The report can be found in the Resources section.
- Crosswalks and Elm Avenue and Ridge Road will be installed this fall.
- Streetscape improvements that include lighted, push-button activated pedestrian crosswalk warning signage on Chocolate Avenue at the Valley Road crosswalk (near Duck Donuts) will occur this construction season and next.
- Pedestrian connectivity between the proposed new Community Center and the School District Campus is being explored.
- The concrete steps near the bridge over Spring Creek on East Chocolate Avenue will be removed and new sidewalk will be constructed.
- A crosswalk with a pedestrian refuge island in the center is being installed at Para Avenue as part of the streetscape plan.
- The Derry Township Police Department is conducting crosswalk and traffic enforcement in the village of Hershey.
The next public meeting of the Derry Bike and Pedestrian Alliance is scheduled for Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.