The Township of Derry’s Official Map project was started upon receiving a Regional Connections Grant from the Tri-County Planning Commission in 2015. Official Maps are a planning tool authorized by Article IV of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (PA MPC). Official Maps are a combined map and ordinance, and Derry Township’s Official Map was one of the methods used to implement the goals and objectives set forth in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan.

The Official Map is specifically mentioned in the table of implementation strategies beginning on page 129 of the Comprehensive Plan (among other locations) as a tool of the Township should utilize in order to convey to the public the intent to connect and expand the Township’s walking and biking trails; the intent to improve public streets, including any planned roadway improvements and extensions of the sidewalk network; and to identify the roadway and streetscape recommendations identified in the 2015 Hershey Downtown Plan. The Comprehensive Plan also cites the Official Map as a tool to show property owners existing and proposed parks and open space reservations, as well as flood control basins, floodways, floodplains, and stormwater management areas.

The Official Map is being provided in three parts as follows: 

(Click the link below, to view Official Map Questions & Answers.)


Page 1 – The first page identifies transportation components, including the existing road network, proposed road extensions, and the existing and proposed trail network. The transportation page also has a corresponding table of desired improvements, referring to various plans and studies already completed, including the Walton Avenue Corridor Study, Route 322 Corridor Study, and the Hershey Downtown Plan.

Page 2 – The second page shows the Township’s existing and future Parks and Open Space plans. Existing and proposed trails have been added again, so the viewer can see the trail system as it relates to both the intended roadway improvements shown on Page 1 and the existing and proposed park and open spaces shown on Page 2.

Page 3 – The last page shows existing floodplains and future flood control projects that have been identified in various other works conducted by the Township.  

(Click the link below, to view Official Map and Ordinance No. 689)


The Township of Derry Board of Supervisors adopted the Township Official Map and accompanying Ordinance No. 689 on June 27, 2017, and went into effect on July 2, 2017.